Attorneys for the New Jersey man charged with killing Columbus Blue Jackets star Johnny Gaudreau and his brother Matthew are planning to ask a judge to dismiss charges against him on grounds. Court documents allege that the brothers had been drinking before their fatal accident last August, according to a report by NJ.com. Sean M. Higgins, 44, who faces two counts of first-degree aggravated manslaughter among other charges after striking and killing the Gaudreau brothers while they were biking on the shoulder of a Salem County roadway in New Jersey, rejected a plea deal last month that would have seen him sentenced to 35 years in prison in exchange for a guilty plea.
In a new court filing, Higgins’ attorneys say that testing done following the crash showed that Johnny had a blood alcohol concentration of 0.129% and Matthew had a BAC of 0.134%, compared to their client who had a 0.087%. The filing asks for additional information about how the BAC of each individual was collected, but does not allege that the Gaudreau brothers’ drinking played any role in the crash.
The attorneys in question are asking for more information about the testing protocols used and any other records related to conducting on the samples, as well as records on other Salem County plea offers involving reckless vehicular homicide and aggravated manslaughter charges. The attorneys argue that these are important to their client’s defense, and also that the 35-year plea deal made to Higgins is higher than that of other cases due to the notoriety of the case and the Gaudreau family.
“We believe these filings are essential to ensuring that our client’s Constitutional rights are protected and that he is not being treated unfairly based upon the amount of publicity being garnered,” Richard F. Klineburger III and Matthew V. Portella, Higgins’ attorneys, said in a statement.
The defense now plans to file a motion seeking dismissal of Higgins’ December indictment, arguing that the grand jury was not presented with evidence that could have supported the defendant’s innocence. The defense has also signaled that it wants to file motions to exclude several pieces of evidence from the trial, including their client’s blood alcohol content, the state’s motor vehicle crash report, and statements that Higgins had made to police.
According to prosecutors, Higgins had been driving erratically and aggressively traveling north on Route 551/Pennsville-Auburn Road in Oldmans Township when he attempted to illegally pass an SUV on the shoulder of the road, hitting and killing the Gaudreaus as they rode their bikes. Higgins, who admitted to authorities that he had been drinking heavily prior to the crash, that his drinking had contributed to his erratic driving, and that he had attempted to hide his beer cans, was arrested at the scene after failing a field sobriety test.
Higgins, a major in the New Jersey Army National Guard who works for a substance abuse treatment network, was indicted in December on two counts of first-degree aggravated manslaughter, two counts of second-degree vehicular homicide, second-degree leaving the scene of a fatal accident and fourth-degree tampering with physical evidence. He was also issued citations charging him with driving while intoxicated, consuming alcohol in a motor vehicle, having an open alcohol container in a vehicle, improper passing, reckless driving and making an unsafe lane change.
The defense team representing the Gaudreau brothers in a fatal crash case is claiming that the brothers were intoxicated at the time of the accident and is seeking the dismissal of charges against them. The case, which has garnered significant media attention, involves a tragic car crash that resulted in the death of a young woman.
According to the defense team, toxicology reports have shown that both brothers had high levels of alcohol in their systems at the time of the crash. They argue that this impaired their judgment and ability to operate a vehicle safely, leading to the accident. The defense team also claims that the brothers were not aware of how intoxicated they were and did not intend to harm anyone.
In response, the prosecution argues that the brothers made a conscious decision to drive while intoxicated, putting themselves and others at risk. They point to evidence such as witness statements and surveillance footage that allegedly show the brothers engaging in reckless behavior prior to the crash.
The judge presiding over the case will ultimately decide whether to dismiss the charges against the Gaudreau brothers based on the evidence presented by both sides. If the charges are dismissed, it could have far-reaching implications for similar cases in the future.
This case highlights the importance of responsible alcohol consumption and the potential consequences of driving under the influence. It serves as a sobering reminder of the devastating impact that impaired driving can have on individuals and communities. Ultimately, it is up to the legal system to determine the appropriate course of action in cases like these, taking into account all relevant factors and evidence.